Dienstag, 9. April 2013

James Zabiela RETURNS. After the "Technical Wizard" in 2008 for the first time brought to Berlin, had to pass only 5 long years before the DJ superstar once again returns in MITJA PRINZ’ Yes Arena. Zabielas skills are legendary, nobody mixes as fast and accurate and switches through all the media. To understand his moves can, slow motion shots are necessary. The more we are pleased that the always occupied "space" Resident his sensational, globally, a unique mix of house, hip hop and techno - at now - including his typical samples from sci-fi films and '80s pop a la Depeche Mode and Brian Eno presented to us in "intimate" Led atmosphere. We expect no more and no less than another renaissance!

Meanwhile, at the “Waterfloor”: Just recently just returned from Asia - Yes Homie MARCUS MEINHARDT rolls up the field for the first time along with the "Queen of Understatement" PILOCKA KRACH (live). On top we can look forward to a very exciting Mixed doubles: The truly magical ELLIVER meets her partner-in-crime and "Tonkind" JAN MIR! Hypnotic and euphoric power until late afternoon is probably carved in stone again .. ;)

Mitja & Marcus

Pls join us:

Fri 19.04.2013 Start: 23:55


James Zabiela [Renaissance]
Mitja Prinz [Yes!]
Pilocka Krach LIVE [Bar 25]
Marcus Meinhardt [Watergate]
Elliver [Katerholzig]
Jan Mir [Tonkind]

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